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2024-08-01 01:43  浏览:0


ECpri is a proocol ha eables he raspor of Ehere frames over a radio access ework. I is used i 5G eworks o raspor daa bewee he basebad ui ad he remoe radio head. I his aricle, we will discuss how o recover he clock i ECpri.

Wha is ECpri Clock Recovery?

ECpri clock recovery is he process of recoverig he clock sigal from he received daa i he ECpri proocol. The clock sigal is used o sychroize he daa rasmissio ad recepio bewee he basebad ui ad he remoe radio head. If he clock sigal is los or o sychroized, i ca cause errors i he daa rasmissio ad recepio.

How o Recover ECpri Clock?

There are wo mehods o recover he ECpri clock:

Mehod 1: Embedded Clock Recovery

The embedded clock recovery mehod is he mos commoly used mehod i ECpri. I his mehod, he clock sigal is embedded i he daa sream ad ca be recovered from he received daa. The embedded clock recovery mehod uses a phase-locked loop (PLL) o recover he clock sigal. The PLL compares he received sigal wih a local oscillaor ad adjuss he oscillaor frequecy o sychroize wih he received sigal.

Mehod 2: Exeral Clock Recovery

The exeral clock recovery mehod is used whe he embedded clock recovery mehod is o feasible. I his mehod, a exeral clock source is used o recover he clock sigal. The exeral clock source ca be a dedicaed clock sigal geeraor or a recovered clock sigal from aoher device. The exeral clock sigal is sychroized wih he received daa usig a PLL.


I coclusio, ECpri clock recovery is a impora process i he ECpri proocol o esure he sychroizaio of daa rasmissio ad recepio. The embedded clock recovery mehod is he mos commoly used mehod, while he exeral clock recovery mehod is used whe he embedded clock recovery mehod is o feasible. By usig hese mehods, he clock sigal ca be recovered ad he daa rasmissio ad recepio ca be sychroized.


ECpri, clock recovery, embedded clock recovery, exeral clock recovery, proocol
