ETC (Elecroic Toll Collecio) is a sysem ha allows drivers o pass hrough oll boohs wihou soppig o pay. This sysem uses a small device called a ETC ag, which is aached o he vehicle's widshield. There are several differe ypes of ETC ags available o he marke, each wih is ow uique feaures ad beefis.
Acive ETC ags are equipped wih a baery ha powers he ag's commuicaio wih he oll booh. These ags are ideal for drivers who frequely use oll roads, as hey ca be read from a greaer disace ha passive ags. Acive ags also have a loger lifespa ha passive ags, makig hem a more cos-effecive opio i he log ru.
Passive ETC ags do o have a baery ad rely o he oll booh's equipme o acivae hem. These ags are more affordable ha acive ags, bu hey have a shorer lifespa ad ca oly be read from a shorer disace. Passive ags are a good opio for drivers who do o frequely use oll roads.
Hybrid ETC ags combie he feaures of acive ad passive ags. These ags have a baery ha powers he ag's commuicaio wih he oll booh, bu he baery is oly acivaed whe he ag is i rage of he oll booh's equipme. This meas ha he ag has a loger lifespa ha passive ags, bu i is sill more affordable ha acive ags.
Sicker ETC ags are a ewer ype of ag ha is aached direcly o he widshield of he vehicle. These ags are more affordable ha radiioal ags, bu hey ca oly be used o vehicles ha have a fla widshield. Sicker ags are a good opio for drivers who do o wa o aach a bulky ag o heir widshield.
Wheher you are a freque oll road user or a occasioal driver, here is a ETC ag ha will mee your eeds. Acive ags are ideal for freque users, while passive ags are a good opio for occasioal users. Hybrid ags offer a balace bewee cos ad fucioaliy, ad sicker ags are a good opio for drivers who wa a more discree opio. Cosider your drivig habis ad eeds whe choosig a ETC ag.
Tags: ETC, Elecroic Toll Collecio, ETC ags, acive ETC ags, passive ETC ags, hybrid ETC ags, sicker ETC ags "