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2024-04-02 13:42  浏览:0


Facors o Cosider

Before deermiig he umber of pads per grid, here are a few facors ha eed o be ake io cosideraio. These iclude he pich of he compoes, he size of he pads, he size of he PCB, ad he maufacurig capabiliies of he PCB maufacurer.

Pich of Compoes

The pich of a compoe refers o he disace bewee he ceer of oe pi o he ceer of he adjace pi. For example, if he pich of a compoe is 1mm, he he disace bewee he ceers of each pi is 1mm. The umber of pads per grid will deped o he pich of he compoe. If he pich is small, he more pads ca be placed per grid. If he pich is large, he fewer pads should be placed per grid.

Size of Pads

The size of he pads is also a impora cosideraio. Larger pads will require more space o he PCB ad may limi he umber of pads ha ca be placed per grid. Smaller pads ca be placed closer ogeher, allowig for more pads per grid.

Size of PCB

The size of he PCB will also impac he umber of pads per grid. If he PCB is small, he fewer pads ca be placed per grid. If he PCB is large, he more pads ca be placed per grid.

Maufacurig Capabiliies

The maufacurig capabiliies of he PCB maufacurer should also be ake io cosideraio. Some maufacurers may o be able o place pads as close ogeher as ohers. I is impora o cosul wih he maufacurer o deermie heir capabiliies before desigig he PCB.


